National Day Celebrations - 2012
Posted on Friday 10 August 2012 @ 05:50 with 0 comments

 Omfg, I've been so busy to blog recently and I'm finally getting down to it!

Hello people! In case you don't know, I personally wrote myself that I'm from the sunny Singapore! It's a really small country, but of course, we're proud of ourselves and we're number 25 on the Human Develop Index Chart, which means we're the 25th most developed country in the world.

Every 9th of August is our National Day, our Singapore's own birthday and it has been 47 years of independence!

Of course, on Wednesday, our school celebrated it and yeah, we went to Bishan Park for a picnic, and to see the adoption of the Bishan Waterway!

 Before we left the school, taking a pic with da tallest guy eva KK. He's like fucking 183 I think, idk la just very tall. He had to hunch so much just to match my height, I feel so short.

Of course, we had to walk to Bishan Park like four sec3 classes omg why couldn't they provide buses?! It was freaking hot, but then again the walk to Bishan Park is really short so that is bearable.
While walking there. LOLOL, I had to adjust the picture to a much brighter resolution because the original pic was really dark so everything kinda looks too bright.
Fat looking photo of me. Nevermind, I'm in shape. Round is a shape. Your arguments are all invalid.

Anyway while walking there it was so fucking hot I swear, everyone was sweating. And complaining. So note, don't walk to Bishan Park at 9 in the morning.
Trying to look cool, but end up looking like a shouting penguin. Boo to all you photogenic people that can pull off any facial expression!
After heavy photoshop, I lost 20kg. *beams*
Omg, I look much better with this body, maybe I should go on a diet. Eat now, exercise later.

Jayler photobombing in the back hais hais hais.
Y THEY WALK SO SLOW ONE was my first impression. And then...
They were waiting for this crazy woman. YES, she is my form teacher. She's super siao one please for a teacher! Jump here jump there hyper hyper one. No wonder everyone loves her pls!
See these people, once arrival in Bishan Park they all take out frisbee and volleyballs and start playing already. Too sporty award 2012.
Of course, Bishan Park has beautiful trees!

Anyway, there was like a semi-naked guy sunbathing/suntanning in Bishan Park and Mabel was criticizing how he so shameless not hot still want suntan in the park!
Once we reach there, they chiong us go one corner to witness the ceremony of the adaption. Haha, ok it's really nothing much just a speech and stuff and we all had to sit on the grass.
No outfit of the day, but definetely got shoes of the day! Which pair of shoes do you think looks best? Guess whose is whose! And guess whose butt is photobombing the picture lololol. Ok, don't pervert, don't look at the photobombing butt, focus on the shoes.
Of course, I have short attention spans and I was focusing more on the pretty clouds above lolol.
Hair of the day! Anyway, I chalked the fringe area red. Patriotic right!
Z highlighted her hair red for the day!
Anyway, me and Mabel went to get food and guess who made this sandwhich!

Yeah, it's none other than just now that crazy hopping woman, my form teacher! She make the sandwich with egg mayo so cute one, got mickey mouse sia. Plus, the egg mayo is awesome. She's a good mom sia hahahahah.
Of course, everyone having fun playing frisbee!
WHAT'S AN OUTING WITHOUT CAMWHORING?! I know, I looked horrible that day but this is my 'glaring into the sunlight' face. My bro said my expression like kenna fucked like that. *glares*
More camwhore pics. Can you see that condo directly behind me?(not the flats) It looks like the condo from Sentosa Cove!!
More pics, lol cannot tahan. Major lols at the lazy people at the back, lazing and sitting there with the umbrella. Only I bother to stand up and camwhore lol. The sunlight was really good that day!
 Anyway, we were so thirsty and guess what nobody bought water to the picnic coz everyone assumed that everyone else would bring, so no drinks were bought. Lucky I bought like a bottle of green tea from school before coming but then I finished it so fast la omg.

Ok, I hope I won't get a lawsuit for this picture but even though I prefer other green tea, I always buy this. Ironic isn't it?
Picture of me and Mabella. LOL.

Anyway, the Bishan Park picnic ended real fast, we were there only for awhile! Should have skipped that day of school man. But nevermind, after that I went to eat with Mabel and Z.
On the bus, hahaha, some stranger offered to take the photo of us. No la, it was someone else. Haha, gonna keep you guessing.
Last solo pic for this boring blogpost! Sorry, I didn't try very hard to make the content funny or anything lol. Usually I spend like what hours working on posts but I only spent 30 minutes today and most of it was waiting for the photos to load.

I'll probably post a more interesting blogpost next time. Ooops, fine ok I'm gonna share some pictures of NDP 2012 in this blogpost so it won't seem so boring.

Before NDP, people were saying how Lee Kuan Yew died and everyone panicked of course, because he was the one who brought Singapore here. When LKY came onto the parade, everyone was cheering and clapping and everyone was so relieved and some people even started tearing in relief that he's alive. Whoever who spread that rumor should have his balls chopped off. Anyway, quoted from Xiaxue, "I wonder how he feels like, seeing Singapore NDPs from old kallang to the beautiful MBS, knowing that Singapore won't look like that without him."

 A picture taken from my friend's instagram! I didn't really seek her consent.. shit but nevermind, I'll post her instagram name at the bottom!
Beautiful Singapore, surely you feel proud?! This picture is again my friend's.

Alright, happy birthday Singapore! Ending the blogpost here.

Fireworks picture from Natasha. Instagram @ bubblesatemojo
Collation of photos of Singapore scenery from Juanha. Instagram @ drfunkyfox

Pictures taken with the D3000(Z's camera) for all you who are wondering. @zettyizzati


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