Ambush @ J8
Posted on Monday 9 July 2012 @ 02:52 with 0 comments

Hello people, ok anyway it's like fucking Monday, depressing. Anyway, what you can do on a blue Monday is go get some lunch with your friends and that's exactly what I did. I went with Huimin, Nicole and Samuel. Not Famuel, Samuel for all you who know what Im talking about. This time it's way more atas and it's at Ambush which provides fast casual European dining for a really affordable price! Anyway, it has a really nice ambiance there and here are some photos.

PS: The photos are not really high quality, all taken with iPhone 4S.
Their napkin with their sign. Because I too embarrassed to stand outside and take picture of the sign lol.
The most interesting menu ever, in a newspaper layout wtf! Tak about original!
'A piece of Europe on your plates.' sounds promising.

Anyway we took super long to order cox we're kids and apparently they have what 3 menus omg this and two other ordinary menus but the other two are like really ugly and its like $6.90(lol why 69) for a plate of pasta so I guess that's really cheap omg and another menu with like $9.90 lunch sets but I didn't look at that menu lol. So Huimin, Samuel and Nicole all ordered pastas and I guess the pastas look ordinary so I didn't take any pictures of it. So I ordered this Mini Sausage Platter served with brown sauce and a side order of mashed potato. Huimin ordered a pasta because she's too obsessed with getting fat and Nicole ordered a pasta and a salad. Healthy living sia! Samuel ordered a pasta and calamari(ew gross) What I don't really like is that the waitress was kinda impatient, asking us whether we're done... lol when they say fast casual dining, I guess they really mean it.

AND THE WAITER HAD TO BRING US TO THE TABLE UNDER THE SPEAKERS. And the worst part is the music played was horrible. I don't know who chooses these tracks! Anyway I was gawking at the prices because it's really value for money. Oh and I don't think it's Halal so Z couldn't come, super boo for variety. The food was cooked really fast, and it's safe to say it's the fastest restaurant ever. I don't know whether because the restaurant wasn't very crowded but definitely, it's super fast.

Nicole's salad arrived first with Samuel's calamari!
 Nicole's duck salad. LOL I forgot what's the name but there's duck slices in it! I don't eat duck but it smells amazing and Nicole was telling me how after eating it, you'll want to order 500 more lol so I presume it's nice!
Ok this is just gross. Sorry! Hate calamari, especially calamari rings! What a copy of the original onion rings!
 My mini sausage platter. FEAST YOUR EYES. It came with a yellowy sauce and I was curious and went to try it and it was fucking mustard ugh worst thing ever so I threw it away to one side >.< This just looks glorious to me.
My side order of mashed potato. Eh not cheap okay! $3 or $3.50 I think for one scoop. This was the only thing that I thought wasn't value for money.
Anyway the pastas arrived except Huimin's and she was grumbling and was like, 'why my pasta haven't come yet!'
Don't blame her, imagine seeing all this food on the table. Confirm hungry!
Quiet afternoon...
The sweet couple... Hais see la, when you're single all you see are happy couples and when you're attached all you see are happy singles. They're the sweetest couple ever omg super cute ok if anyone of you starts insulting them I'll chop your head

Picture stolen from huimin's instagram. EH SEE HUIMIN I PROMOTE FOR YOU EH. Ok no but if you follow her must also follow @fatsouls on instagram MUST ok. Anyway, her pasta finally arrived and trust me, it does not look as scrumptious as the picture. lol.
Ok anyway the food was quite good and the sausages were really like sausages wtf it's super hard to cut them into bite-sized morsels because the meat is so thick and sausagy. Ok I know that word doesn't exist but you get the idea. I gave Huimin one to try and she was choking on it because it's hot + it's amazingly huge. Totally laughing at her trying to eat the thing HAHAHAH. Looks like she's giving a blowjob.

Anyway I don't understand why so many people from my school must walk by and look at us. Never see before kids eating atas food? And like my 'best friend' walked by and I choked on my sausage. Really uh.
AND PEOPLE FROM MY SCHOOL, you don't just walk into restaurants... There were was a kid from my school who just walked into the restaurant lol the waiter was giving us death stares I swear.

I'm going to review on the food. When Huimin started eating the pasta, she immediately exclaimed that it was yummy. That shocked me cox I went online and searched for reviews and people said the pasta was a 'cheap imitation' of Pastamania's pasta. My sausage platter was not bad, maybe a 7 and a half out of 10. The half was because of the cheese, super yum. But... it looks like semen when it oozes out omg this is so PG13.
Nicole definitely enjoyed her food while she and Samuel fought for the duck slices. Ya, it's too sweet to see. Me and Huimin were feeling so left out lol but at least Huimin has a half boyfriend! Samuel finished his pasta amazingly fast so I guess it was nice. Really, the place is not as bad as reviews make it to be. 8/10, would probably go again. I love their salt shaker because the salt comes out easily unlike some other shakers in other restaurants where such minimal salt comes out.

Anyway we ate really quick I guess and Nicole still had her duck salad so I ordered garlic bread to feast on so that she doesn't look so lonely, the only one left eating. lolol actually she was eating with Samuel and sharing the salad! So doesn't count. Anyway the garlic bread is not bad, but I would rate it only 5. I know, it doesn't taste so garlic-bread. I don't know lol...
Appearance wise, definitely the prettiest garlic bread.
$56 only eh! Super cheap for the amount of food we ordered. I was quite shocked at the amount. And take out the service charge and GST, it's only $48 eh wtf. It's way cheaper than other restaurants I ate at. Anyway, Samuel paid the service charge and GST so thanks for that! Great meal, it was so funny because all my friends are funny.

And on an unrelated note, something has been trending in Singapore, named #singaporeshadesofgrey. In case you don't know, there is a book named 50 Shades of Grey which is all about this girl dreaming about sex. So, alot of tweets have been coming up and it's so fucking funny omg. Here are some of my favorites!

HAHAHAH, what is this omg hahaha

This is one of the other ones that totally cracked me up omg what didnt bother pulling away strands of hair?! hahahah omg

Omg what is this haha

I BLAME THIS ONE THE MOST. Made me laugh in the mrt. Fucking embarrassing! Haha ok that's all.
Ending this blogpost! Have a great week guize! x


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