Third Parties
Posted on Sunday 15 July 2012 @ 02:18 with 0 comments

Hi guize! I'm gonna use guize instead of guys not because I failed my English but guize sounds better and more like aiya it just sounds cooler than guys which is so boring and mundane. Ok, anyway back to the post.  PS : This will be a short wordy post! If you hate reading(which I think you should read this unless you're virgin4life) then there's a post coming right up with tons of pictures.

Did I mention how much I hate third parties?

One's a loner, two's a company, three's a crowd.

Anyway, I've been seeing alot of my friends trying to fucking flirt with other people who are clearly in a relationship and that kinda boiled down to two things I wondered.

A. What the fuck are you doing flirting with someone who is clearly in a relationship?

B. Are you a slut and a person that loves destroying happiness?

These two are the main questions I wanna ask those who have been a third party to a relationship like dude, what the fuck is wrong with you, running around leaving scars.... collecting your jar of hearts... Ok, back to the topic. I have been seeing so many people thinking that flirting and butting in into other's relationships and the worst part is, they do it so shamelessly and horribly.

There are even some scenarios where it's two girls and one of them is clearly attached. They're both best-friends and I don't know whether the girl attached is dumb or blind but everyone can clearly see that her best-friend is flirting with her boyfriend.

And when I say flirt, I don't mean talking. I mean the giggles, the cute faces, the pouts, and the 'let's go out for food together.' Oh gross. And her best-friend just thinks they're friends, getting along just fine and that life is amazing. I wonder what will happen when she finds out the dirty truth, and I'm not stating names. I don't care whether you give me $500. No, I'm not stating it. (but maybe I'll state it for a million dollars. teehee)

Anyway, there are so many people being fooled like that, and trusting their loved ones, trusting that NO, the person you are in love with will NEVER cheat on you. That you two will spend your lives together and go on for marriage and stuff. And that you will share your money, and you will have kids.

Some people actually might end up like that, being together forever but what are the chances of a teenage relationship lasting till marriage? It is low and slim, as we are all young, free and foolish. How can you just give all your trust to someone who you have a teenage crush on and give him your heart? That is why, so many teenagers are all heartbroken and feeling down forever.

How do you know he/she won't cheat on you? Sure, you might say he/she buys you flowers, have been together for a long time, kissed, had sex, whatever. He/she will definitely never cheat on you. But the question is, how can you be so sure? 

People change and I'm sure their thoughts will change. Especially when you're in your teenage years, it is super unlikely that you will only love one person for the rest of your love. Again, there are some people who do, but that is just the bare minority. Are you going to risk getting heartbroken and spending your teenage life being all sad and depressed? And next time when your grandchildren ask you, 'How did you spend your teenage life?' Are you going to tell them you were depressed all day, lying on your bed, crying, drinking and smoking away to ease that depression?

Don't be naive. Why should you risk everything for that one person who may ultimately cheat on you? I just want to say that you shouldn't trust everyone(maybe except family unless you're adopted then you shouldn't trust them like that channel 8 Ah Di show lol) and be so quick to accept people and allow them to hurt you.

I keep seeing various tweets, people being heartbroken, saying that they'll never let anyone hurt them anymore, and most of them are teenagers. I'm not saying that you should abandon all your friends and never let your boyfriend/girlfriend talk to anyone ever again and that both of you should spend your days locked up in a cellar where nobody can hurt both of you. I'm saying that be warned of your closest friends, and don't always see them in an awesome light because you might never know when they decide to backstab you and steal your boyfriend.

You might never know when the secret is out that your best friend and your boyfriend have been going out every Saturday night and have been having sex at some hotel. Be wary, and don't fall into the trap of your cheating boyfriend/best friend.

Some people just keep asking, 'how do I tell?' Well, just remember, people outside of the problem can always see the problem clearly. It's like watching a football match, you view it clearer when on the sidelines, not on the field. (I think. I mean I don't play football, but it's kinda logical right? Right?) You should definitely ask like some other friend to watch out for you. Maybe if you're a boy, ask a girl to look out whether your girlfriend is cheating and don't ask another boy, because what if they decide to flirt with your girlfriend? Of course, this applies to straight girls, I mean if a girl is lesbian(no hate.) then she might fall for your attractive girlfriend.

Then you might ask, then where's the happiness of being in a relationship when you're constantly worried about cheating? The answer is, THERE IS NONE BECAUSE LIFE IS LIKE THAT. LOL. No I'm kidding, there is a ton of happiness and lust and love in a relationship, but it is just safe to be a little extra careful. If you are always doubtful of your boyfriend/girlfriend, really he/she might just get upset that you don't trust them and that you're doubtful of the relationship.

The bottom-line is, people should be more wary, and third parties. I don't know what to say to you, but I hope you fall and break your nose. Seriously, what is wrong with you.

Ok, ending the short post here! Bye guize.


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