Marina Bay Sands
Posted on Friday 1 June 2012 @ 02:23 with 0 comments

Yes, this post is about Marina Bay Sands! I visited MBS yesterday and had a one night stay. Ok, one night stay reminds me of one night stand, ok don't think to the sick side. Anyway, it was quite ok uh, how bad can MBS be? Anyway, I was on the car yesterday and was heading there around 2pm. Sky was still light, pretty nice.

Photo looks like taken by some atas photographer, but end up just taken by a 15-year old. Anyway, I was like damn kiasu please, like never see before MBS like that. Took alot of photos of the building. Never mind la, still young still young.

Sky was really pretty, and did I mention before? The building looks like a combination of towers leaning against each other and the skypark at the top looks like a boat.

And this picture is when we neared the building. Me and bro came late cox bro was sleeping and I forgot to pack and I had to pack last-minute. Skipped my lessons at NYP cox I was sick in the morning. I stayed over with bro, Po, Dawn and her boyfriend Alfredo. I know, 5 people in one room. Actually the room is bigger la, so can nyeh nyeh squeeze. Dad already helped check in before coming to fetch me and bro, super thanked him for offering this trip. Anyway, I did not know you had to have a card to take the lift in MBS. Super atas omg, but it sucks too, cox there's only two cards and we have to share. Oh, and Aunt Doro and Aunt Mag AND Uncle Ed were in MBS in the daytime cox they say want to go eat at MBS, with Olivia. I feel slightly guilty because I reached quite late and they all waited for me and bro to check in. I dont know, someone mentioned that only two people can take the lift at a time but we all just took it. Other people also 3 people go in, should be can ba.

Ok, this is how the room roughly looks like. It's bigger than average hotel rooms, and no I won't reveal the room number just in case. I don't know whether its just me or something but the room isn't as cold as I imagined it to be. Or maybe I just sleep too often in my cold air-conditioned room with fan. Anyway, its quite nice although I had super high expectations but it's just a little higher above average. But ok la, not saying it's damn shitty and stuff.

Our balcony view, really cool seeing all the cars. Although I thought there was like a sea view(?) and of course la, sea views are nicer but the person assigned us this room. Aiya nvm la, still got cool scenery.
This is the view from our floor, the wire thing is really complicated and I always wonder who hangs it up and how they transport it into the building. Later the person hanging the thing fall or something how? Ok la confirm won't la but you may never know right anot!

Was taking random pictures and this looks really atas but the words at the bottom kinda ruins it, hais, money again. If you can see properly, it says 'Please note that any item removed from the private bar will be charged to your room account.' Hais. This world forever obsessed with money.

Anyway, camwhoring is always a must in toilets. Rule to lying to everyone you're attractive on the internet 101. And yes, I bought that cheap compact camera with me.
Atas-looking sink. Ok I must be damn bored, who takes pictures of sinks seriously.
Anyway, this picture of me before I go up for a swim at the skypark. Wearing specs cox I never wear lenses to the pool. Anyway, so I went up to the skypark and it's pretty irritating that you need to change lifts. The lift to the rooms are only up to level 22 and you need to change a lift to go to level 57. Oh well, I guess it's atas. Anyway, when I was up there, I was pretty excited because it's quite high.

Yeah, this is the view of the skypark. It's freaking crowded, and you know couldn't really relax. It's still nice and high though. Finally found a more quiet corner.
Yes, that is me in the pool. It was around evening so the sky's really pretty. And that old man beside me photobombing my picture with a sian face.
Anyway, I was really crazy, holding the camera to the edge of the pool, and I was quite worried my camera would drop into the pool and malfunction and I wouldn't be able to blog this now. But success, it's dry and undamaged. Ok, anyway, this is really what the end looks like really. I thought once you looked down, it's directly down but it's not. Quite practical, if not people will commit suicide and it'll be the next Bedok Reservoir. 
Ta-daaaaaa. This is how it really looks like, there's another ledge lol.
  Ok, la call me dumb or something but seriously I did not know. Wait am I the only one who thought this way fml... 
Anyway I just enjoyed my swim, although I could feel the pool was freaking dirty, I swam for awhile and like my eyes started to sting. I blame the water. Even like my bro has one eye red. Confirm is the water la ok, not our eyes problem. Anyway, Olivia just tanned cox she didn't want to swim. The evening sky was really pretty, no pics though. Stayed there for a lil while more, then went back to hotel room. 
CAME BACK TO HOTEL ROOM AND FOUND THIS. Super love! Aunt Mag got us sushi, and nobody can say no to sushi. Freaking love Japanese food la omg. Ok, anyway, it's amazing how these sushi which I presume is from Cold Storage Specialties taste as good as something like Sakae Sushi but like at a fraction of the price. Ok, I'm not defaming Sakae or anything I love them too. Four boxes of sushi, finished in less than minutes by all the hungry pool kids. Thanks Aunt Mag <3
And other than sushi, there's still this bunch of Chinese food. I don't know who bought it but this doesn't even look like food for a night stay. It looks like it's for a survival camp, judging by the way it's stacked. 
Blurry night view. Ok, after pigging out in the hotel, all of us wanted to go for dinner and at first we called to this pizza place called Pizzeria Roma? I don't know, Pizzeria something, but the earliest table available to reserve is 9.15pm and like it was only 7pm then and we were all starving from the swim. Yes we are all fat kids cox 4 boxes of sushi is not enough. Anyway, so we had to go to the less atas food court but the food was yummy anyway. 
Rasapura Masters, sounds really atas but end up it's just a food-court. My cup of iced Milo. 
Ended up having pepper lunch for dinner. It's kinda funny like if I tell someone who doesn't know what's pepper lunch that I ate pepper lunch for dinner, they'll probably think I'm crazy eating lunch for dinner. Ok, anyway I ordered their Double Curry Chicken and I only ordered it because there's cheese! Omg, totally drooling when I saw all the pepper lunch cooked. I didn't order others cox it's like there's nothing special it's all like normal hawker food so might as well stick to generic pepper lunch. Added an egg, wanted to add more cheese but it's like they'll confirm put less cox there's already cheese mah, so they'll put a smaller amount. I don't know, that's just what I think but pepper lunch has always been generous with chicken and stuff so probably not. Aiya, don't take the risk, just be kiasu. Anyway, did not get to take before it was cooked cox I was so freaking hungry and I just mixed everything. Then did I remember that I needed to take picture, aiya nvm. I wanted to ask bro whether he took but nope, he didn't either. Never mind, can always go eat again. And pepper lunch will never get old and CAN YOU BELIEVE IT IT'S FREAKING $8.50 FOR DOUBLE CHICKEN. I know there's this promotion but I haven't tried and it's really yummy. Although the honey brown sauce was almost gone and I could only take a tiny scoop of it. Pissed at that. Why all the other people take so much?! Anyway, Olivia had like double salmon I think and Dawn and Alfredo went to patuo and go out and eat together. Sweet la sweet la! Anyway since the hawker center was beside the ice skating ring, I was wondering who would skate inside. People eating all confirm kua at you one! I don't know, I'll feel paiseh one! 
Anyway, this blurry dark picture of my bathtub that I went back to have a bubble bath. But the thing is... I'M TOO TALL FOR THE BATHTUB. *facepalms* Ok, I don't think I'm super tall ok, I measured and it's 170cm, but I think I'm only 168cm lorh! Had abit of trouble trying to soak cox my head keep hitting the bathtub cox I'm too freaking tall. Alfredo somemore say he want try. He's like what, I think confirm got 200cm! Exaggerate abit la, but he's one head taller than me. Don't know how to fit in! Head confirm hit the bathtub one. Anyway, the water took really long to fill the bathtub so in the meantime, pictures!
Camwhore shot. I put the explosive thingy cox it's to sensor something. Heh. 
The look into the camera and give your cute face shot. 
The faking shot. Looking good while someone takes a picture of you. 
Lenses removed, and into bed clothes. I know you're wondering why I seem to be wearing the same shirt but I wore both grey, one to sleep and on out. Of course the one I wear out one buy from Uniqlo one la, to all you people who think I wearing some pasar-malam shirt. 
I discovered the mini-bar and I'm so happy that there's NESCAFE to drink. 
Then, I saw this message pasted outside the mini-bar. Hais, MBS what, what to expect... Ok, I bet by know you must think I'm very cheap right go MBS can't even afford to take the drink but seriously, it's overpriced. 
Dawn and Alfredo called back though, and they offered to buy us Macdonalds. Love them, so caring. Bother to call and ask! Ok, used my phone and then slept.
Ok, it's Friday and freaking woke up at 7:40, and the pic is blurry cox I'm half awake. Freaking hell. Freshened up and took some pics before leaving for NYP.
Ok, ending the blogpost here.

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