Relieving Our Childhood
Posted on Thursday 7 June 2012 @ 01:03 with 0 comments

When I was young, I always wanted to grow old. Well now, I want to be young since I'm in sec school already. Fml, time is passing so fast omg. 1 more year to O's and then another three years to National Service. Don't even know whether I can run every morning. Should start jogging now everyday. Anyway, went out with Z and Khads on Tuesday, and it was more like relieving our childhood rather than going out! Met at Novena Square for lunch, and we had Pastamania!
Z's pasta, I think it's Cheesy Ham Cheesy Crumble... Ok something along that lines la, with fusili pasta. Is that how you spell it? Ok, I'm not Italian.
Khad's pasta. Ok I really don't know what is this already, but it's cheese again and it's penne pasta, which I don't really like.
All our pastas. Ok, I'm always ordering cheese bases cox cheese is amazing, but I wanted to try something different so I tried this spicy chicken in tomato base. I think it's spicy chicken, fml, I got stm, can't even remember the names of the pasta. Anyway, I always order linguine cox they say there's cheese in it. Fuck, or was it grains. Aiya, I don't know, but it's stuffed I think so yeah. I'm neutral with both bases after trying.
Of course, since we're still not that old and still vibrant and whatever, after eating we went to Popular cox we didn't know where to go seriously and Z found this magazine....
Well, she started fangirling about how hot Chris Hemsworth is and really, if you don't know who he is, he's the guy who played Thor in Avengers(everyone watched Avengers, no excuse) and the Huntsman in Snow White and the Huntsman. Ok, that movie kinda sucked but I like the Queen's acting ok anyway Khads was saying how unhot he is. Oh well, I have no opinions. *shrugs*
Anyway, there wasn't anything interesting or captivating and so we went to ToysRUs. LOL. I know I know, 15 year old still go there. 
AND THESE TEDDIES ARE SO CUTE. I don't know why, but it's like so cute.
Anyway, no outing is complete without camwhoring pictures so here goes. Ignore the extra man in the back.
Ok, I look constipated. Like those cannot tahan already, must run to toilet.
Z, and Khads looking at some kiddy stuff at the back.
Anyway, passing by the Play-Doh section and I'm so freaking jealous. I never had this when I was young omg, kids nowadays so lucky. I only had those in one tub one and I had to play myself. Now got Pizza Shop somemore?!
Khads with her Gloria hippo. It's so cute and honestly she's my favorite character from Madagascar alongside Marty.
Z with her lion. Wait, is it Alex? I think it's called Alex right? And if you look carefully, there's like a price tag and that's for the small stuffed toy Khads was holding I think, and its $21.90! Wtf.
Khads and a big Gloria.
 Me and Alex the Lion, I only grabbed him cox there's alot of fur.
Me and Khads, and now she finally let go of the Gloria and picked up a giraffe which I forgot his name!
I saw this and I was like, 'FURRRRRRRR' and then Z was saying how they look so real. I thought she was complimenting the thing but then she added, "Later at night come alive." -.- After that, I don't want touch anymore of it already. I mean it can't probably do much harm but anything can be haunted. OK *touches wood*
Khads and Z with their angry bird plushies. Ok, judge me but I don't see the big deal about Angry Birds. I don't even think the red one Z is holding is cute.
Ok, talking about coming alive toys, this is like 100x worse. And I hate Dora cox she always speaks Spanish and it's so annoying omgwtf. Anyway, the doll doesn't look like Dora but I wonder who will buy this.
I BET THIS IS FROM JAPAN COX OF THE JAPANESE WORDS. AWESOME CREATION. If I had a daughter, I'd buy all this and let her build her house of animals but then again if they come alive...
BUBBLES SECTION. Everyone love bubbles and seeing all these bottles just make me feel young and prudish.

Anyway, this is Z who is not as interested initially and decided to take a picture beside Mr Monopoly. Lol. End up we all got hooked up on bubbles. Ok, I wasn't expecting to buy any bubbles but I did eventually.
We bought these in the end. We wanted to use it for photos. Hahah, cox someone said it was Tumblrish. Suddenly, some staff came and told us pictures were not allowed. That was really awkward cox we took so many pictures already so to the TOYSRUS staff, we apologize for any inconvenience caused. Ok, I'm sincere about it and yes it sounds atas but whatever. And there were like so many more pictures but I decided not to add it into the entry cox I'm too lazy to add so many pictures and also about the TOYSRUS thing. See we're so nice and considerate. Ok la, I'm just scared we get sued or something lol. We were deciding where would be a good place to have a good natural photoshoot with nice green grass and good sunlight and after contemplating for like the longest time, we decided to go BP.
Z crossing the rocks at BP to go to the shelter. Really annoying, the shelters are always so far and it was freaking fucking hot like we were all sweating and stuff and all the nearer shelters were used. Irritating. Z said she saw something move in the water. I look nothing eh, it just makes me want to jump in it.
 Some daffodil-looking plants. It's really pretty! BP has one of the most natural park designs!
Pretty picture taken by Khads.
Ok, we finally got to sit down and I tore open my purple bubble saber. So excited omg.
Z opening hers and starting to blow bubbles. BUBBLES. not anything else.
Look at all the pretty bubbles, just makes me feel so happy.
More bubbles! We all stand at one side and spam.

Khads looking cool trying to pop the bubbles. Love her shoes that day.
Z blowing the bubbles. HOW DID SHE SURVIVE IN THOSE CLOTHES IN SUCH HOT WEATHER? And it still looks so smooth and un-sweaty. Don't know how she does it.

She looks so happy like she won lottery like that hahah. The sun was starting to set and we moved out into the fields and started to act all tumblrish. Anyway, this is my set of photos. Hahaha, embrace yourself. PS : these are highly photoshopped cox I looked horrible but the bubbles and everything else looked amazing. Only mine are photoshopped.

Yup, Khads or is it me? I don't know, one of us had this idea and it was so cool. So fun also, feel like so modelish but end up only the bubbles are nice. Hais, nvm nvm.

 Z's set of photos! I don't have Khads though, sorry Khads, if you're reading this.

I know, the bubbles are so pretty!!
Anyway, afterwards, we were all so tired and thirsty from the photoshoot, so we went to Mac and had a drink. And I noticed how cool Z's ring was but it was too big for me, but nevermind! Nyeah nyeah take.
But grass is always greener on the other side, so yeah, it looks nicer when the original owner wears it. Oh well. These pictures were all taken from Z's DSLR and there are a thousand more photos but I won't upload it cox I'm really lazy and tired but yeah, we had a fun day. Alright, ending this blogpost here.


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