Beekly - 7/8/12
Posted on Saturday 7 July 2012 @ 19:28 with 0 comments

Hi guys! I'm not sure if I can do this but I need to blog more so this new Beekly thing is something like a weekly update. Yeah I know very boliao right every week go blog things about my life BUT the thing is, the thing is, my life is interesting. to me. Ok, just read!!

I am so happy with my new camwhore pics cox they all look super tumblrish and I was like wtf is that even me?! I mean of course it's not that nice but I LIKE IT anyway. 

'everybody dies but not everybody lives' - Drake

These photos are fucking hard to take by yourself omg >.< You need to hold out one hand with the camera(and you know if it's a DSLR, fuck your life cox it's super heavy) and the other hand with your phone and you have to constantly tap the screen to make sure it's not dulling away. If you're using some shit compact camera(which is what I did here) then it's impossible to control the flash because there's only two options, AUTO and OFF. I did not know I had set it to auto so I just took a really nice picture and everything was perfect but then the flash was reflected on my phone. LOL look like some crazy embarrassed public figure hiding from reporters but Im not going to show you all cox it's very chou(ugly). 

'When two people are together, don't try to break them up' -

Ok these are super easy. Just set the camera off auto-focus I think and just snap away blurry pictures and edit them, to make it look super Tumblrish! Awesome much, which brings me to my next point. 

Actually photo taking and editing on the iPhone is pretty flawless as well. 

Ok I know wtf am I talking about. I have always been saying that iPhone have shitty photos and stuff but it actually makes you look better than when you take with a good camera because the quality can actually cover up some flaws and make you look way better. Honestly. And there are so many apps on the iPhone all dedicated to photo editing. I'm going to share some of my favorites today and some of them are from Xiaxue's Photo Editing(part 1) and the others are just random things I found on the App Store and decided to try. I'll be talking about the important ones to me! 

Ok these are the things that I have. There's still a section of Meh which I'll be posting below. 

Let's start with my favorite photo-taking app. CAMERA+.
Alot of people have been saying that there is nothing special about this app, but I don't think so because it takes amazing photos! Here are some to show you!
They have this amazing filter called 'Clarity' which makes your photos go from this ^^ to this(the one below!)
Amazing right? Everything looks so posh and golden now! This is their prized filter and there are so many others but I just never use the others because other apps have better filters but on the whole, it is really really not bad! Here are some of the other filters.

Look, there are so many filters! *mindblown*
And no I did not jailbreak my phone because I'm carrying a 4S and Dad says its best to wait a year and check if the jailbreak will spoil the phone because I jailbreaked my previous iPhone and it went wrong like it totally broke apart. Ok anyway, go get it. Im not sure how much it is, but previously I bought it for the standard $0.99. Totally worth it!

The next one is FaceCam! I read this off Xiaxue's post and I decided to give it a try cox it erases pimples and stuff and it works but not perfectly.

Here is a dumb photo of me taken so I'll be using this. No edit, no filter and you can see my 3D popping pimple.
So when I click on enhance, I can choose whether I want to make my skin fairer, clearer, my eyes bigger or my face smaller. But usually only the skin clear thing really works. The big eyes function sometimes screw up the photos where your eyes are on the same level as your nose lol. So here is after editing with functions fairer and clearer skin and smaller face. It looks kind of like, it's obvious you edited it but I guess this is the best for an iPhone. Actually this app is similar to MoreBeaute2 but I guess I prefer this more as it can minimize face fats. The only downside is that you have to pay $0.99 for this but MoreBeaute2 was free when I downloaded it.

Ok the next one I think is interesting is Rakugu Cute!

To be honest, I don't use this app alot but I guess it's great for when I take pictures with girls and they all want to make the pictures look like neo prints so yeah, this is like a mini neo print machine! Highly recommended for rakugu fans. Anyway here's how the procedure looks like, really too sweet and pink for me but I guess it's perfect for girls. And I saw this way before Xiaxue's Phone Editing Part 2 came out for those who are wondering!

Really super neo-print! But this app costs money once again, unfortunately. And it takes money to unlock the different collections, but it's better than spending $11 on a neoprint machine where the only difference is that they print out the pictures. You can also go print what! So, it's much more worth it and plus it's an unlimited use unless you forget to backup your iPhone when changing to a new one!

Another app I really like is PowerCam. 

It's a really cool app and they have a date watermark at the bottom right of the picture so I thought that was cool, you know remembering memories.
I took some nifty pictures with it before!
Pretty cool options!
Here are some pictures I took with this app!

Second one not so nice but you get the idea, there are alot of filters too! And it's free! Not bad.

The last one Im reviewing is Camera360!
This is the freaking best app for filters, period. 

Look at all these categories of filters! It's crazy. And I say categories because in each of these categories, there's just more and more filters!
This is in category Retro.
This is in category Magic Colors and it's cool cox you can choose the colors you want on the picture! Genius!
And they also have colorful filters! I love how this makes my shirt look so hipster when it was originally blue!
It's free in the appstore so it's a must try!!

Ok, I'm not reviewing the rest because I don't use them oftenly. So, I hope you download one of the apps above and like it! It's really awesome ^o^
Anyway, I'll be ending this post here and I'm going to Ambush on Monday with Huimin, Nicole and Samuel so I'll probably be giving a short review on Ambush! Can't wait! 

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