Hella school re-opening
Posted on Sunday 24 June 2012 @ 01:57 with 0 comments

Ok most of my blog readers and friends are probably around my age, so this has been bugging me for the past week and it's about the re-opening of school.

It'll probably be a long ranting post, so if you're only interested in pretty photos, scroll down below this post.

I have been so troubled by this because honestly, school  isn't a very pleasant thing for me. It's like you go there, and spend what 8 hours on a minimum on like writing and stuff. I don't know, I would love school if it's maybe 2-3 hours with like a recess lasting 1 hour? Ok I'm sure many of you will agree with me. And, the most infuriating part is that my school decided that my class would have PE's on Monday. It's kinda annoying, going back to school and on the very first day, there's PE. Ok I like PE sometimes, but the modules now are crap. There's frisbee which is totally stupid for me and the next module coming up is soccer. And I don't particularly like PE teachers because I always feel that they like to torture students with horrible warm-up exercises. I think all PE teachers are sadistic in a way right?! Like why would you waste your time teaching and pushing kids to do crazy exercises for their 'good'. It's like if they get fat then that's their own freaking problem.

Another thing with my school is that as time goes by, the school becomes more and more like a slavery camp. I don't know, maybe that's a lil harsh but wtf, why don't they change our recesses?! Wednesday is like fried food day, and everybody likes fried food. Just admit it. And the queues are like super long, ok those classes with a recess different from the normal bunch are just plain lucky but the rest of us are thrown into the hot, overcrowded canteen and with no chance of buying our food because the queues are like fucking long and if the teacher before recess doesn't let us off early, forget about eating unless you're willing to skip a period of class.

WELL, another thing is that our school ending times have been EXTENDED. That word is bold and underlined because it's really unfair. And it's extended on the worst days, Monday and Friday. We all know Monday is usually blue and really sleepy because it's the end of the weekend, and instead of letting us go home earlier, they have to extend it and make us feel sleepier. And what about those with CCAs? Wouldn't they have to eat lunch first and then go for CCA later? Thus, the CCA would end even later right? Sure CCA's are fun but I don't think anyone would feel SUPER energized on a Monday for it. And Fridays, the last weekday of the week. Everyone wants to go home, go out and enjoy the weekend right? Or at least go out with your friends after school to places like Scape and whatnot but nooo, they have to extend the time so we would be sitting in a dull hall listening to Chapel(I don't mind Chapel though...) and it's worst when some school leader uses Chapel time to make announcements and speeches. Well, the person who thought of extending it on Mondays and Fridays, good job. You have officially made the school a more tired place to go to.

Ok, I know this does not really apply to everyone, but homework. Homework is so irritating, I mean sure it helps but some days it just feels really heavy and when you're already tired from the extended school hours, you come home to homework. In fact, on days when there's no extensions, school usually ends at the same time around the extended Mondays and Fridays so it's practically coming home everyday to homework. I don't hate it so much but I hate holiday homework alot, because teachers LOVE giving lots and lots of holiday homework. I don't get it, I thought teachers want breaks too? Why give an essay which has 140 marks and expect us to do it during the holidays? Sure some people love studying and they'll argue that studying is essential and whatnot, but holidays I believe, were meant to be for relaxing and taking a break after a semester. Teachers are always telling us that holidays are meant to catch up on your work. Surely the person who invented holidays didn't have that in mind. It's fine to do a little bit of work, especially when you really need to catch up, but the amount of homework kinda exceeds that. Don't the teachers have to mark the work after that? Isn't it stressful, marking a whole class of work straight after your holiday? Please, take a break. I see some teachers physically drained and yet they still try to be as animated as possible.

So this one only applies to my school. The donation cards. Well, it's not wrong for my school to raise money for the future indoor sports hall but it's kind of a shame that only when they need money, do they set up food fairs to raise money. I remember before our new principal came in, we had a food fair every year to relax ourselves most possibly. Why don't we have these fairs every year? To make the school more lively and active? I miss Te Deum too. What happened to that? It was the real thing that kinda bought the school together and now it's gone. I used to always think it's kinda mundane but now it's gone, I think it's super cool to have our very own concert in halls. Isn't it funny when you only appreciate something when it's gone? Our school always has this feedback thing and I don't know, it's kinda useless since I don't think they take in many suggestions. Especially when the suggestions are for the good of students and not something stupid like 'we want aircon in classrooms.' It's more towards like 'we want assemblies in the hall instead of the parade square.' I don't know if they fulfilled this request so I'll give it the benefit of doubt but honestly, what's so bad about that suggestion? Don't they know it's really stuffy in the parade square and no, there is a super small chance of a breeze. Why don't assemblies be in the hall all the time, unless it's the time for exams? Everytime the parade square has puddles of water due to rain, we would have to assemble in the hall, so why not choose one generic venue?! Make life easier and save electricity by taking down the need of using the P.A. system to inform us of the venue.

I know, I've been saying on my twitter that I haven't done any homework so I should be spending the time doing homework. x.x But whatever, it's like I think I lost some of my homework so eeks. Gonna be finding them later. But that's my blogpost. Alright, signing off here with a nervous dreadful feeling about tomorrow. Oh noooo. ><

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