Condo Viewing - Part 1
Posted on Sunday 15 July 2012 @ 05:51 with 0 comments

Hi guize! This week has been full of drama and stuff, I don't even know what to make of it. But, I had a great Sunday and my Saturday was spoiled by the rain. Hais.

Anyway, I went out with le family today to view condominium showflats and it was kinda exciting!

A few camwhore pics before we left the house!
Three beautiful photos!
And one picture taken while thinking of what camwhore pose to do, and giving up because I had to leave.

Anyway I had Tim Sum for brunch, and I have no idea what is the definition of this in English but I guess it's a kind of traditional food omg ok just know it's Chinese food which consists of dumplings, and buns and stuff. And the worst part is it sucks. And it's not cheap you know! It was somewhere in Changi V, and I didn't even bother to take pictures of the food because it didn't even look particularly mouth-watering.

Ok, to the important part! Viewing the condos! I have no idea where the condos are located but oh well, you can google the names from here!

DISCLAIMER : I do not work for any of the condominiums, nor do I hate any of them. I am a regular person who visited their showrooms and is reviewing my experience. Please kindly email me at for enquiries and complaints. 

Ok, anyway so I visited this condo called Parc Olympia and all I can say is that I would totally recommend this for crazy athletes!
Parc Olympia's showroom.

They have an amazing valet parking system and it's free! Thumbs up for that.
Specially made this picture smaller because my uncle's bald head was in it and you know, it won't be nice to publicize it haha. 
They have this mini lounge place where you can chill and discuss about buying an apartment! And in the background, there's a convenient drink counter that gives you mini cups of fizzy drinks just to quench your thirst. 
I've always found these miniature previews of the condos amazingly cute! 
There are so many blocks!
The thing is, Aunt Mag was telling us kids how these previews actually cost alot of money to make. I was like, 'Really meh! It's only plastic and such a small area!' And she was like, 'yeah! It takes around 10k to make!' I was just mindblown after that. How in the world does this little thing cost $10k... 
And being the foodie that I am, I was so happy to see a popcorn booth there omg! I was like looking through the miniature preview and then I saw the popcorn booth and I just shouted without thinking. Totally was like, 'POPCORNNNN!' And Dawn and Olivia started backing away because everyone was staring at us. Omg, so embarrassing, like never see popcorn before like that. 
'kids don't care about condos, we care about popcorn!' 
An overview of the preview! 
Alright, time to look at the bedroom compacts! This is the smallest apartment they have. 
The kitchen view! Love the table. 

More pics of the kitchen! 
This is the bedroom I think, it's amazingly pretty! I didn't even know it was a bedroom. 
The shelf that separates the living room from the bedroom! 

The bathroom! 
This was hanging on the wall of the living room. So if a thief comes in, just take this and shoot his balls. Good idea right? 
Next is 2 Bedrooms, which is bigger than the compact bedrooms! 
Amazing interior design! Reminds me of one of the episodes of Fear Itself where the guy like stays in this scary wood house with all these stuff hanging from the walls and he's bloody crazy, killing people everywhere ok 
The living room! 

I like this interior design so much omfg. 
The mini kitchen! So cute. 

More shots of the kitchen! 

I can't believe they used a real plasma TV for this showroom. But then again, the showrooms are super important. 

The kiddy murder bedroom. Lovely. 
Look at those chains seriously. 
The other bedroom and this wraps up the 2 bedroom apartment! 
You know behind the apartments is this space for you to walk from room to room, so there was this tennis table and these two mannequins pretending to play table tennis. I was snapping photos and suddenly there was a loud crash. 
Looked behind and saw this. HAHAAH, it was damn epic. Dawn was busy taking pictures and she tripped over the mannequin's feet and Olivia was like 'oooooo!!!!' in a really funny way and the mannequin dropped against the table. And then Dawn realized and was like 'aiyo aiyo aiyo' hahaha omg and Dion just sat there and laughed like his usual self, which is crazy! 

Part two will be continued! Thank you to respective hosters! 

Alright guize, I'm ending my post here! Look out for part 2 soon! 


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