Meeting Michelle Phan
Posted on Saturday 25 August 2012 @ 06:35 with 0 comments

Hey guize, I am so freaking slow with my blogposts. So around a month ago, I met with Michelle Phan at both Ion Orchard and Vivocity when she came to visit in Singapore. And we all know who she is, the makeup artist on Youtube who has uploaded tons of makeup tutorials(which I never watched any of them before sad to say) and the only reason why I went to see her is because she's on my list of famous Youtubers I want to see. Omg, which brings up this list.

1. RyanHiga
2. MichellePhan
3. Jenna Marbles
4. Natalie Tran
5. Ray William Johnson

Yeah, anyway Ryan Higa is coming but his meet and greets require tickets which cost $140? Which I decided I won't purchase coz I can pay $280 for an SNSD concert ticket where I watch signed and pretty famous soshi perform for 2 hours. Whereas Ryan Higa's meet and greet is just... a meet and greet. I know, kicking myself where I'll regret it 30000 years later.

ANYWAY, moving on....

I went with my boobies chan(@cielde_roses) on that day and it was such a last minute decision la wtf. It's like,

Me : eh want go see Michelle today?

Pearlyn :  which Michelle?

Me : Michelle Phan


And then I got excited, for no reason because I thought it'll be so cool to see someone famous right? Anyway, I reached Ion Orchard like freaking fast because I live so near and I was like finding my way to Sephora and one look at Sephora and you can tell that it's an atas makeup store.

There was like a super long line to take photos with her!

So, I waited for Pearlyn and we decided not to queue and we immediately tried to squeeze to the front where Michelle was sitting and just stand there ans take pictures of her. Smart right? Yeah, anyway it was super crowded and we had to squeeze in.

Anyway, a few photos of Michelle Phan I took. LOL at the last picture.
 Michelle smiling directly at *ahem* my camera.
Saying bye to the crowd!

Anyway, she signed a makeup kit and because I was super bored of taking pictures, I actually recorded a (very shaky) video. But I can't even upload it because Blogger is blocking everything.

Anyway, I did meet with her on Sunday at Vivocity but I didn't take any photos. She was talking about makeup and all(very boring) and luckily there was a Q&A section and I directly asked her whether I could take a photo with her. She said yes, but Jean Danker was spoiled my chance by saying that I could take one later on.

Oh and on a random side note, it is Marble Slab Creamery's Free Scoop Day that day! At Bugis+, Marble Slab Creamery held a free scoop day and it is on the same level as FilmGarde!
 Pearlyn's scoop of amazing chocolate chip ice cream!
 Mine was a combination of Sweet Cream, colorful rainbow sprinkles, M&Ms, Smarties and a ton of other stuff. Of course, it cost $1.50 but totally worth it.
LOOK AT IT. Don't you feel hungry?

Yes, I am ending the blogpost here, making all of you hungry because I AM THAT MEAN.

Just kidding, anyway sadly for you, Marble Slab Creamery is having their free scoop day again only next year on their annual anniversary, wait till then or you know what, don't be so cheap and just go get some Marble Slab today!

p/s : Michelle Phan's photos were so badly taken lzgnzflngzkjbkhbfkjhb


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