Bangkok (BKK) - Living it out
Posted on Saturday 16 March 2013 @ 02:00 with 0 comments

This is part 1 of my Bangkok(or as bloggers or lazy people like to call it, BKK). I'm sorry about my sloth updates on my blog but I'm just so busy! I blame school for this.

I left on the 3rd day of CNY so I practically skipped an entire week of school. However, it's totally worth it! 
Sat on Thai Airways, which I think is the most sensible method if you want to go to Thailand. I find people who sit Singapore Airlines to BKK very oblivious. It's just a 2 hour flight so I don't see why you should waste money paying for SQ. (not defaming SQ or anything, they're excellent for long hours)

Step Up 4 in the plane!

Step Up Revolution has to be my favorite dance movie ever. I don't care if the storyline seems the same for all the movies and every movie changes it's leads!

Love airplane bread! They're so cute. Hated the rest of the food though, I even forgot what I ate but I do vaguely remember the food was cold and gross. Meh. I also wished airplanes had a bigger variety of food la! Everytime only got two to choose from, it's damn sian one pls.

The ride was so fun, except for....


Everytime they make an announcement, the movie stops and you just have to listen to the pilot drone about the weather in Bangkok and stuff.

The lady like sitting in front of me was so funny, everytime the announcement got on, she would pretend like she's killing someone. Hahah, funny da yao si please. Bro and I were laughing all the way!

Touchdown! BKK's airport has really changed from last time, the streets and stuff not so but the airport is DRASTIC. But I don't really have much appreciation for airports, they're so annoying.

Advertisement for SHARP : welcome to Bangkok!

#sotd shoes of the day. LOLOLOL ok better stahp.

Glow Hotel's lobby. Sorry to the woman who is in this picture! So unglam.

THIS HOTEL IS THE BOMB. Glow Hotel is the hotel you should want to consider if you're staying in BKK. It's located in the Pratunum Area and please, it has like what so many shopping areas near there! Major love.

The weather there is so unbearable and humid, I think it's more humid than Singapore's! Got welcome drinks one eh! It's a sweet blend of different fruits, I wonder why they don't make this drink available at breakfast! It's the perfect juice to chill in humid afternoons!

Snacks provided too! Super considerate, everything also have! Wifi cards and comfortable couches and a view of the busy city, it's so comfortable! The people there are so nice too, like the lady serving us immediately taught us how to say 'thank you' in Thai. Super nice!

I need to know what this is called! It's super yums and it's better than Singapore's la confirm! They even automatically topped up after we finished, super efficient. Everyone there is just so helpful and smiley, that even if you have a bad flight, you'll confirm be happier!

The manager, BenQ, also came over to personally welcome us. Super nice I must say, but I don't have interest in people when there's food on the table sorry lol, can't entertain you today.


But serious, if you're going to Bangkok, do consider Glow as your place to stay! Their 5 standards, bedding, shower, wifi, breakfast and gym are their trademark I guess. So it's really not bad right, except their bedding. The pillows are soft and it's damn hard to sleep omg.

But there's a gym, so workout freaks would probably be super happy lol. But you would be walking so much and sightseeing that you really won't need the gym for cardio purposes. There's so many malls and stuff to cover!

MOST SIGNIFICANT SHOPPING MALLS/PLACES(skip this part if you hate reading reviews)
MBK - Ma Bun Kong
I have no idea how it is spelled but yeah, just tell your cab drivers or tuktuk drivers MBK. It's really my favorite because it has so many more food stalls than other places! Ok, I know stop judging me because of my love for food.

Anyway this place is my favorite because we got so many things there and you can bargain the price down by alot actually. My greatest bargain was 350 baht which is around $12. Only if you're professional and a good actor who doesn't break under pressure la.

Pratunum 1 and 2 
Eh, these were like the ones near my hotel and I hated it because it seems really messy to me. And there is way more shops selling ladies apparel especially Mall 2. Only one floor on Mall 1 was like 'dedicated' to male apparels. But I found some cute caps here(pictures later) but girls will probably love it. It's like an airconditioned Bugis Street but has like 10x more shops. LOL. No food here except for Basement so I hated it.

Asiatique is fun fun fun. It's like by the shore so you have to take a ferry there which is free and easy. However, if you're seasick, take their skytrain, or train, or whatever name it is! It's nicer riding in the day because you get to see the sunlight sparkle on the waters. It has so many like restaurants facing the seaside and it's just so Miami-ish to me.

The things here are like more special and like Haji Lane, but x100. Period, it's so many shops and lanes and it's so nice! The prices here are also higher, but I think it's worth it. Not air-conditioned but really romantic... if you don't come during the day.

Siam Square
This is totally like a mixture of Bugis Street plus Haji Lane and it's so vibrant and young. It's also the most expensive of the lot and it's where young designers start shop, and they sell clothes they design from scratch. Of course, I felt pretty insecure because of all the good-looking people but whatever, there's food there eg BBT and Chinese food so I'm good.

Shibuya 19
I actually hate and love this place. I fell down on the fucking escalator and I got a bleeding bruise and it was so embarrassing! I was downright embarrassed. BUT, all the shop owners were really nice and they sold us stuff at cheap prices, like cheaper than it was. THIS PLACE IS ALSO JUST BELOW MY HOTEL and it has Starbucks and McDonalds. Love love love.

These are the few places that I actually like had significant memory so yeah.

The first mall I actually visited was MBK and because we were so hungry after only eating airplane food, we decided to eat first.

Their sweet and sour fish, it's fried to perfection and very crispy and nice. Trust the BKKians to do everything better. :(

And because I'm an idiot and a fan of American food, I ordered American fried rice and it's the best thing like the most interesting fried rice I've ever had. Just typing here makes my mouth salivate omg I love food


Enough of food, this has become like Instagram lol. But serious, their restaurants are amazing, and please if you go to BKK, try to steer away from normal shops like Dairy Queen and stuff that you can find in your own country. You should try different fusion foods and I swear I need to get the name card of this restaurant ASAP.

I think the top floor of MBK is for phone accessories and stuff and...

BLINGGG. LOL, my shiniest photo on my blog. Of course, it doesn't appeal to me and some people were asking me why I didn't get it for them. These kind of casings are temporary because all the crystals will fall out and rot and it'll look damn gao wei.

I bet all the girls who love bling will be hyperventilating.

Really cute dust caps.

Ok, iPhone 5 needs to have a section for dust caps or either like dust caps that stick underneath your phone. Some genius please invent it!

HELLO KITTY FACE. LOL, hello kitty fans will scream and like scream.

I really couldn't document much of the rest because it's shopping... who takes pictures while shopping? SO I was more into bargaining and finding sizes and I don't have any pictures unfortunately.

Here's a Subway Cookie to please you all.

Anyway, we covered MBK and since we were so tired to walk back to our hotel, we took a tuk-tuk. It's like a buggy but it's open-aired and it's damn cooling la pls hahaha.

Blurry picture in the tuktuk.
But it's really fun! It's like so unsafe and so dangerous and it turns left then turns right and it doesn't follow traffic rules. It turns at places cars are too big to turn and BKK is always jammed so if you're out of time, a tuk tuk is faster, and funner.

Serious sia, if you're willing to spend abit more baht to take a tuktuk, do it instead of taking a cab because cabs are always jammed and so boring and so smelly.

I was bored so stahp judging me ok!

Koreans can't live without banana milk, I can't live without strawberry milk. Felt quite bad because I bought bottled milk, coffee and cultured milk drinks and didn't use any of the hotel's complimentary tea bags.

Sorry for this super short post where it's just pictures and no humour in my words. Ok, let's crack a joke, what do you call an angry cow?





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