Worst hair dye ever.
Posted on Wednesday 24 October 2012 @ 04:45 with 0 comments

RAGE POST (semi-rage post)
 Disclaimer : It might work for me and not work for you, and not work for me and might work for you.
Hi guize, wah I'm so tacky with my blogposts, even when I'm super free during this period. It's not because I purposely neglect you all, it's because there's no inspiration and motivation to do anything.

Anyway, today I'm talking about probably the most disappointing hair dye experiences EVER. If you follow me on Twitter(@fatsouls), you would know that I do try many DIY hair dyes, the affordable kind and I've dyed my hair at least 6 times in the past 4 months which people say is very unhealthy, because you're only supposed to chemically dye your hair every 4 weeks?

My hair doesn't get dry and damaged and snappy though, which I am so grateful for. But then again, why do I need super soft hair... I'm also not like a soft toy to cuddle on and my classmates have said that my hair is softer than their dog's. I'm not sure if I should take that as a compliment or a insult eh.

Back to the story, I was really sick of my blackish, brownish, maroonish hair because I did layer three dyes over one another in a short time period due to many reasons so the black dye is fading, where the brown hair is a little obvious. The maroon was just half-fuck seriously.

So I got Quick Touch's 543 Light Mahogany Copper Brown, sounds quite good right?


Color looks quite nice, 5 minutes coloring time only, and it says it contains so much good stuff for your hair.

Well, I bought it partially also because it was on offer, and only $8! Must buy right?

The thing is, I wasn't expecting much but neither did I thought that it was so horrible. It was so hard to mix the dye because they don't even give you a bottle or whatever, unlike Liese and Gatsby, to mix the dye. They give you this comb, where you mix the developer and the hair color together.

I was already quite skeptical, where got $8 stuff so good one the color.


When I dyed it, it still looked black. And when I layered a second layer over it, my hair darkened. I was quite pissed at it, like I was already putting up with the ammonia smell and my hair was NOT as soft as it was after I dyed it, which I was super angsty about.

I was quite in disbelief because I tried their black dye and it worked, and is fading at the moment which is great so I guess I got the lighter colors which will fade over 2 months max. But the hair still remained so DARK.

For comparison's sake....


Quite dark right? And the sides are maroonish.


Got difference anot, you tell me?

So pissed, I even wrote to the company itself and haven't received any mail back. So, I officially will not buy this brand anymore. Well, there's no free lunch in the world anyway so I guess it's too good to be true anyway.

I JUST WASTED $8. LOL, I mean it's only $8 to some of you, but the thing is I just needed to pay a little more money and get a better brand. 

Anyway, if you're thinking that this post is written in full anger and they say that when you're angry, you can't see straight and stuff but no, I'm not a novice at dying hair so I know.

Note to any teachers reading this, my hair is naturally brown. So stop catching me. It's now black.

OK BYE GUYS, a very short post but I hope it's informative. If you really want to dye your hair, you can be totally atas and dye it at a salon where there is professional advice given and you don't have to dye your hair yourself and your hair color will be more even and beautiful.

But, for people like me who like art and you know, quite artsy and gekseh one, then try DIY. It's a fraction of the price, and you don't need to sit in a chair and suffer buttaches to dye your hair, although problems may arise like dying unevenly. But you can walk around, and like watch TV, use your lappy and stuff. Good right?

AND SINCE THE HOLIDAY IS HERE, I recommend everyone to dye their hair a bright color to make yourself look less boring.


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