Trip to Malay Village + Haji Lane
Posted on Friday 12 October 2012 @ 05:53 with 0 comments

Hi guize, I've been neglecting my blog like crazy. It's crazy how crazy I'm neglecting my blog, and I'm so slow with this post. It's one month already! It's not because I've been emo-ing or whatever ok it's because I was studying and yes I do study!

Anyway to prepare for my major art examination, my art teacher bought some of the art students to Malay Village for some inspiration and stuff. Didn't really help, but at least I visited Haji Lane!

Anyway, there's this really famous eatery at the vicinity and I think I have a refined taste, coz most teens don't even like these kind of food but I think it's okay eh.

Anyway, I think the Malay Heritage Center has free exhibitions regularly and I went to one of them. Didn't really learn much, but I had lots of fun touching the things where they had a sign 'DO NOT TOUCH.' It was really dumb.

But the thing is the exhibition is held at the Royal House I think and the past Sultan's(?) house is HUGE, just take a normal five room flat and it's probably more than 10 times that surface area. I sound so mathematical. Also, the floors were really creaky, I don't know if it's just me but everytime I tried to walk faster the wooden boards would just creak and I'll get super freaked out. What if it breaks and then it's like I just broke like a million year's of heritage....

Ok, you may be wondering what this picture is about. When we were eating, this van which belongs to some marriage organizer pulled up and like this couple walked out and I think they were taking their wedding shots. They took some at the toy museum and being the kaypo person I am, I nyeah nyeah go stand there and take picture. What if I'm in one of their wedding shots lol. Then when they show their future children their photos, they'll be this extra guy taking photo of them taking their wedding photo. Horrific.

Anyway, this was my favorite part of the trip coz we went to Haji Lane! *throws confetti* Honestly, it's horrible to wear school clothes to these places. It's also quite distracting to see all the shops and nice clothes, and it's like you won't dare to go in because you're in disgusting school uniform.

ALSO, horrible to see people smoking shisha. Definitely felt like snatching the pipe and running away with it, you see all those atas atas people sit there and blow smoke from a pipe and then you just stand there like some toot and stare.

A pic of the lane with some iPhone filter.
Oh ya, and my art teacher showed me Parkway, which is SO Gotham City. Tell me it doesn't look like Gotham City wtf, it looks so like it and after seeing the picture, some people actually asked me if that was in Singapore. I live near this tower and I don't even notice it. Anyway, pops said there's some major high-end shops inside.

That basically sums up my Malay Village tour, which you must be snoring by now BUT if you actually bothered to read all that junk then this is the part where I start blogging about today's trip to Haji Lane and basically the area around there.

Ok, I headed over to Haji Lane with Mabel to visit the shops and have some shisha. Ok, I know you're not supposed to say 'have some shisha' but I will not say smoke because it sounds horrible. ANYWAY, I'm damn surprised coz most of the Haji lane shops are either close or for rent. It's so different in one month and it's like so disappointing because we didn't buy anything. It's ok, but what's worse is the shisha.

Last time places offering shisha would want to USHER the customers in, now? Nobody ushers us in, and the worst part is we couldn't have shisha. I think the government put a strain on it, and honestly we were asked to check our ICs. I don't remember them being so strict and checking ICs before sia.

We visited like the first shop and at first we thought they wouldn't check and obviously I wasn't aware of the age limit, damn dumb right. The lady was really nice though, and thought we were of legal age so she sat us down at a table, but then she got quite skeptical coz we looked young so... she didn't allow us. Of course, she gave us some advice(which I'm not going to tell you because I'm that selfish) and was super nice like seriously super duper nice.

And anyway, we visited at 12? So there were a few more places offering shisha that haven't opened yet so we went to Bugis+(Iluma la) to have lunch. Manhatten Fish Market ftw.
 CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP. Tell me you don't feel hungry, coz when I was looking at my photo stream it looked so good omfg. Now I'm hungry.

But the bad thing is, I added too much salt so it was like salty. But it's still nice.

My normal order of regular dory. This and the soup is ONLY $7.90. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT, it was so cheap I almost bawled at the price, and trust me or not, but their raw greens are so yummy with a dash of salt. It's so fresh when I ate it like water burst out.

And I know I always hated Manhatten FM and it's obvious coz I tweeted it before. But that was only because I went to the one at J8 before and I had to wait for 30minutes for the bill because the cash register broke or something. The one at Iluma is just flawless and the people are so nice.

GO GET IT NOW, it's only during lunch time where you find these prices though, but if you're going for a weekday lunch, choose Manhatten FM(and pray that the outlet you go to doesn't have a broken cash register)

Anyway Mabz has like grilled dory with rice and she LIED. She purposely go order a small portion right and I thought she was on a diet because she always goes on diets and after ordering, she was like 'eh later we go eat Berrylite!'. I found it amusing coz I ordered a big portion of fish. But I think she told me before we went to Manhatten so oh well, think towards the positive side right? More nutrients.

I was so happy Mabz wanted to have Berrylite because trust me everyone I go out with, only two of them actually like all these low fat yoghurt and stuff and when she said she wanted to go, I was like FFFUUUUU YESSSSSSS.

Come on, it's healthy, yummy and attractive. They change flavors everyday, and today they had cookies and cream which I'm happy about and in the excitement, I added more Oreo cookie crumbs to the yoghurt.

Mabz had original with strawberry toppings, very healthy. She also didn't take any pictures because her phone battery was dying. Heh, I love Berrylite alot seriously, I don't know it seems so nice and stuff and I kept a freaking Berrylite card for 2 years. 2 years, that's how much I loved it, even though it was all wrinkled.

I threw it away today though, because it was so wrinkled that you can't even see the stamps anymore so oh well.

After that, Mabz wanted to go to Sephora and it is DAMN awkward for me because it's just awkward. I had to keep my head down and pretend that I'm just some soul walking for good reasons. AND I did not know Lady Gaga's new perfume, FAME arrived.

I didn't take any photos of it, but I did smell the perfume and it didn't smell of blood or semen eh, it smelt quite okay. And I rushed out of Sephora after that because I was dying from awkwardness.

Oh and we went to a Subway under Raffles Hospital and it was so funny and hilarious because the Subway was super small and Mabz has the loudest laughter ever and it got so funny that she spit her water out on the table.

IT WAS GRUESOME, all the saliva mixed with the water, evaporating. LOL, I obviously exaggerated but you get the idea.

No shisha until 18. :'(

OH AND CHECK OUT MABEL'S INSTAGRAM, it's filled with good pictures and check out her recent photo! She and Mr Ng are super steady now!

Mabel's instagram @ mabelixir

I know, you must be wondering since when did I get so boring and tacky with my posts but I wrote this entry under 1 hour. Short, but sweet. Next blogpost for my night at Chomp Chomp! OH AND LOOK I GOT A NUFFNANG. ;)


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