Basically about blogging
Posted on Friday, 21 September 2012 @ 20:51 with 0 comments

Hi guize omg I am so slow with my blogposts. Honestly, people do read my blog. I don't know how people come to check my blog on a consistent basis, I don't even check my blog regularly.

People have actually asked me stuff like 'why did you start a blog?' and other interview-ish questions like 'oh what's your inspiration for blogging?' Since people are curious and I'm bored, why not make this blogpost? I think I'll enjoy reading it next time when I'm old to see how stupid I was when I'm 15.

The following content will all be color coded but it doesn't really matter, especially to color blind people(which I love)

Q : Why did you start blogging?

A : I was bored. Yes, I was really bored and I remember where I started this blog. Apparently, some people have viewed my blogger profile(which I set to private because I'm working on some things there) and people have seen that my account dated back to 2008. I do have a few private blogs which I started way back. I know, as a kid I spent my time being nerdy and I used the computer like ALL THE TIME. Yep, I didn't have a childhood.

I always wanted to start a public blog sometime in like the beginning of 2012 but I never got to it... because I was always lazy and then one day I had to spend 8 hours doing some course where I learned how to create blogs and so I created one and started off ever since. 

Q : What is your inspiration for your posts? 

A : Honestly I don't know why people actually ask me this question because I only have 15 posts and I don't even update regularly. But that being said, I get inspiration mainly from like travel places where I feel like I should blog about it because everyone loves to travel. If you dont, fuck yourself. I also get inspiration when I'm bored and when I feel like chatting but I have nobody to text. 

But as I said, I created a blog basically so I can flip back next time and show my grandkids that you know, your grandfather was cool and stupid then so you should be cool and stupid too and stop wasting your life studying. 

Q : Don't you get haters because you look so different from your photos?

A : YES LOL. People say all kind of things, behind my back so I'm not really affected. I do photoshop some of my photos BUT NOT ALL. And people find it hard to believe but when you know how to camwhore, you'll look amazing. Sometimes I take decent photos and it may be conceited to say this lol but I just skip the  photoshop and just filter the photo and it's good to go, like my current Twitter dp! 

Q : Why do you photoshop?

A : This is the question so many people asked omg wtf. It's because I think I'm okay at it. If you can make yourself look better wouldnt you? I mean nobody wants to look like an ugly cow right -__- And to those people who say photoshopping is fake, it is but what's fake is some people photoshopping(it's fucking obvious) without admitting it and lying that it's all natural.

LOL, there was once where I was walking in J8 and there was this bunch of people in front of me and I think they need whispering classes coz I could hear them gossiping about me photoshopping and all. OH WELL IF TECHNOLOGY IS THERE THEN DONT WASTE IT. 

Q : How come so many people hate you? 

A : I don't know eh. Usually people hate others because they're jealous. I don't know what they're jealous about for. I mean hello you want you go be jealous of someone like Ian Somerhalder. And anyway, as I always say... 

which brings me to the next question... 

Q : Why do you curse so much? 

A : I don't know honestly, I don't have a smart explanation for this but it's like, this world's too screwed that sometimes you can't really control yourself. 

That's just a short Q&A and I know people's going hate me for doing a Q&A coz they say that q&a's are only for famous people(srsly?) and I know I haven't been blogging lately and you know I know that you know you want to see good pictures hahaha ok.
I'll be blogging about my trip to Malay Village soon, and don't blame us kids, we're having exams now.


What Teens Face : DEPRESSION?
Posted on Friday, 7 September 2012 @ 07:25 with 0 comments

Hi guize, I dont know it feels like my blog just died. Like RIP, I mean people do visit my blog still but I feel the need to neglect it and do something else with life but then again... I'm not too sure about that.

ANYWAY, this post is really just my rant and its meant for TEENS. Unless you're 40 and you have the problems teenagers face and want to feel young again, then read on.

Ok, I'm sure I'm not the only one but once in a while, don't you feel angsty?

Or sad?

Or enraged?

Or anxious?

Or just feeling so wrong and bad? Like milk gone bad? (I know, poor comparison.)

I FEEL THAT TOO. LOL. Ok, not very helpful, but I myself also feel so weird and the thing is, I DONT KNOW WHAT CAUSES THIS. It's like, I don't even know why I'm angry or sad. Nothing super bad like a tree falling on your long lost cat happened. Or like a loved one is in danger. You just feel weird and unhappy and I don't know what people do, but I cure up into a ball and sleep.

Ok, I don't actually curl because I'm too fat for that.

Then, I think... can it be this?

Am I depressed because of something that happened in the past? I don't really let the past(or the present) affect me that much. Am I a potentially depressed person that needs serious treatment in hospitals?

Then I think, there are so many teens cutting themselves and committing suicide, and their Tumblrs being filled with photos of satanic depressed acts. So is the teenage population all depressed?

Can't be right? That's impractical, we didn't all get hit by a financial difficulty or anything. Not all of us.

So then a ton of other things pop into my mind, like maybe I'm weird?
Yes, I added those artificial buttons on my plain tee.

Anyway, maybe our batch was from Mars? A secret that was kept by adults?

I know, what childish thinking but honestly, you might never know. But practically, I don't see my parents talking about all these when they were a teen. They talked about how they caught cockroaches and how in the past cats crawled into homes and evil grandmothers threw the cats out of the window.

I'm kidding but they do talk about the joys of being a teen. Maybe they had these experiences and never shared or they never had it.

 And since I'm not very bright, I just sit there and stare into space.

Well... so....
To this, I do not have any logical explanation.

How does one feel all these when nothing bad actually happens? I just took some Microbiology course in Ngee Ann Poly(BLOGPOST COMING UP ON THAT *HINT*) and well maybe it's a bacteria or a virus that causes these feelings.

I once read off a tweet quote account and I never really bothered to research this but it said that the color BLUE actually causes our brains to release relaxation hormones(?) or something alone that line. I think it's lying because I don't feel very relaxed looking at blue.

I hope someone reading this has a logical explanation and can drop me like a comment on my blogpost(which I always private it lol so only I can see)

And it's bad enough that you have these emotions, but when someone like tweets you stuff like,


you just don't feel very encouraged. It's more like a go-away feeling.
Ugh, it's like people are being so nice and I'm being so mean, feeling irritated.

It's like crazy, you want to stop having these feelings and when people tell you, you just get angry at them. It kinda reminds me of premenstrual syndromes(not that I have them) but like many guys say, 'there's always one day of the month where you feel cranky' I kinda agree, but unfortunately not everyone is like so boliao and go blog these kind of things.

And while I was blogging this, I was opening pictures my LSCT pal Elisabeth was sending me and I got THIS. Which made me even more furious.
OMG NETWORK ERROR?! CRAP YOU. I got 50mbps(not alot I know stop laughing at my internet) and it has network errors? I blame it on the world, purposely taking a dig at me when I'm feeling horrible.

I don't know really, I have no conclusion for this but all I can say is that maybe this feeling is telling you that you need more sleep. That's the only thing I'm lacking and whenever I lack sleep, I get these stupid feelings.

Or maybe...
HAHAH, yes.

Alright, ending the blogpost here! Short but there will be a longer one soon regarding NP!

P/S : I know you may be thinking like what the fuck is this guy doing taking pictures of himself and blogging about teen depression well maybe if you had these feelings then you would understand but if not get out

P/P/S : NO you shouldn't get out, you should be doomed to stay in my blog forever and be forced to hate me more.

Hey there,
this is how I look like

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