Posted on Wednesday, 30 May 2012 @ 01:07 with 0 comments

Time check : 3:52PM 5/30/2012

Hi, I know this is abit unabashed for my first blog post but I like food ok I know this is totally boring and stuff. I feel like puking cox Im really full today. There are like three drink cups on my table and yeah, NYP is so cool because they have Koufu and that makes me wonder why polytechnics have cool canteens and we're stuck with normal cheap food. :< And the stuff here is really cheap, it's like... 3 dollars? And I would upload a picture of my lunch but sadly I didnt have my camera with me so you can try to imagine my lunch, which Im not going to tell you. Anyway, I will put up photos like in the next blog post since this is just normal words and yes it is very boring. Yup, anyway I was really happy cox this course allows me to look at blogs all day, like qiu's and xiaxue's and like icanhazcheeseburger. My sleep schedule is fucked messed up and I cant even get over the fact how Im so tired. I woke up at like 4am and went back to sleep and woke up at 7am and had to rush to NYP cox I woke up so late. Although here, NYP's internet access is quite bad. x.x And that is Bubz's dog! Omg, its the cutest thing ever, and her name is Chubbi. SHE IS SO ADORABLE. Ok, Im not sure wether Chubbi is a girl or a boy but who cares like dogs are all generic right right? And Bubz has another dog called Domo and I swear I dont even know where she gets her dogs cox one looks like a freaking hamster and the other looks like a soft plushie bear. OK PICS LATER. and anyway, dont judge me from this blogpost as really dumb cox Im still smart. Ok, that dosent make sense I know.


Ok everyone's talking about Nicki Minaj's new video Starships and discussing about her huge boobs and ass and wondering whether she got any work done to it. Well, its her choice and plus she never once mentioned her parents cox maybe her mom didn't have any boobs or ass and like aren't these things genetics? Correct me if I'm wrong but hmm. OK ENDING THIS BLOGPOST HERE.

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this is how I look like

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